Voicing Society

Voicing Society

About Us


Addaera, the sailing compass, was a vital tool for people living in the Arabian Peninsula and the Emirates in the past era, prior to the oil boom in the mid-twentieth century where resources were scarce.

Travelers and merchants sailing to Africa, Eastern Asia and India utilized Addaera to find their directions and determine their location and destinations; counting on compass calculations, star positions and constellations, especially in times of weather disturbances.

Addaera had a fundamental role that helped people to secure their needs for a self-sufficient and sustainable society.

The centre has been branded “Addaera” as an omen of the significant role played by the ancient compass; reflecting on its core mission of exploring social trends and public opinion in the United Arab Emirates.


The Highest Standards of Quality

Addaeara provides qualitative and quantitative research and public opinion surveying services for institutions seeking to obtain credible general and statistical data.

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Monday – Thursday     7:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Friday     7:00 AM – 12:00 PM

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